Islam: A Brief Guide

An introduction on Islam’s straight forward philosophy and outlook on life


The origin of life

We perceive life through our senses and experience. As such we live in the moment, but the intellect bestowed upon us compels us to link together events, search out the past, and project the future. We know ourselves to be mortal: we have not always been around and are sure to die. Yet something inside us refuses the notion that we are just a temporary blip in the vastness of time.

Darwin’s theory of evolution gained currency in Europe because it helped justify colonial expansion and exploitation. It replaced the answerability of mankind to the higher authority of God with the notion of natural selection, which was free of moral constraints, and the idea of the survival of the fittest justified the use of force in subjugating so-called primitive civilisations. Darwin’s highly flawed and speculative theory became the myth of our time, a secular variety of religious dogma to explain away all the mysteries of life. The mathematics of chance does not permit the development of higher life forms by random mutation processes in the time space available. As original creation is not a repeatable event, the theory can never be empirically proven and cannot lay any claim to greater scientific validity than the creationist explanations of how life on earth first started. We start our exploration of Islam’s outlook on life with its account of creation, because this contains the basic moral principles Islam teaches and wants us to adhere to.

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