
and Money
of pounds are being spent once again in convincing the British
electorate that they have a choice and that their votes really
matter. Yet, the result is, as always, a for gone conclusion: Of
which ever persuasion, we will get a government which will continue
to please those who wield enough financial power to pull the
strings, and it will ignore the interests and demands of ordinary
people if they conflict with the plans and wishes of that financial
and political oligarchy.
is part of the game that an opposition critisises the policies of
the government of the day, but never revokes them once having taken
power off them, but happily continues them. Increasingly the
difference between the main parliamentary parties is becoming more
and more blurred. One consequence is political apathy within the
population clearly noticeable from a low turn out at elections.
there are the alternatives, the protest movements, the one issue
parties, and the loonies. All are attempts to declare that we are
not happy with not having a say in the running of our affairs even
though we may put a cross behind a choice of names. After the rise
and fall of the Referendum Party, the latest such attempt is the
Preferendum initiative, suggesting that voters tick one line policy
statements instead of giving a blank cheque to a candidate. These
various appeals highlight a problem, but they stand little chance of
stemming the tide of Janus faced two party politics.
what about the Islamic Party? We are no different in wanting to
expose the present electoral system as a hoax, but we offer a real
alternative, a change from the roots of society, beginning with a
new orientation and philosophy. Modern society is in need of
guidance, and only Islam is capable of fulfilling this need. We
participated in elections not in the vain hope of receiving large
numbers of votes or even being elected, but as a perfect
propagandistic opportunity of doing Dawah: inviting those who worry
about the country's future direction to the truth and the sensible
programmes stemming from it. Our proposed solutions were, and still
are, radical, both for the host society and the Muslims within it.
We do not contend ourselves with a superficial, cultural Islam,
halal meat and turbans... Muslims need to be at the forefront of
changing our environment, politically, economically, socially. There
is a need for this message to be taken to the country, and there are
advantages in doing so during election time. Not the least of them
is, that it saves a lot of money. You spend some money on printing
leaflets, but you get them delivered free from house to house. You
spend some money on posters and a few activities, and at the same
time get free coverage in the papers.
this time round it was not to be. We do not have the funds to put up
the deposits to place candidates, nor to print publicity material.
For the last year, the Islamic Party had to operate on a budget not
exceeding £1500, plus some generous help with upgrading our
outdated computer system, so we could link up to the Internet, as
well as somebody else's generous offer to take care of the printing
of Common Sense for one issue. In addition, all the endless man
hours put in by tireless workers for our cause are free, we don't
charge for travel expenses, and we use our own office space. We save
a multiple of the monies we receive from subscriptions, sales and
donations, but just over a hundred pound a month does not permit the
miracles everybody we encounter would like to see. So our
envolvement had to be limited to researching, writing, and printing Common
Sense, giving lectures when invited, answering letters and
endless telephone queries from individuals as well as the media, and
assisting other Muslim groups where possible in their activities. No
chance, this time, to go and do dawah through the election process.
Instead, when meeting the leader of the Canadian abolitionist party,
John Turmel, we vowed to support any candidates who are willing to
stand on a platform of abolishing interest. On this issue, we have
the pleasure of reprinting a beautiful poem by Turmel, in which he
petitions the Queen to put a stop to our ludicrous monetary system
that causes so much unwarranted suffering. (cf. page 8 and 9 of this
issue of Common Sense)
to the elections, and money. We ought to take the next opportunity
after the general election to make a mark again. Some convenient bye
election will evenutally come our way. We need to put the
alternative to the British people. For this we need funds and
supporters. We appreciate that there have been those who stood by us
throughout the years, from the beginning when everybody got excited
about this new venture, until now, when many drifted off after
realising that it was quite an uphill struggle. But we need more
subscribers, more readers of Common Sense, more standing orders,
more donations. We know, for many it is hard to find spare cash, and
there are many important causes to support. We therefore also
encourage input of the non monetary kind. We need those who have
sufficient initiative to start up local support groups and take on
local issues on behalf of the Islamic Party. We need printers who
are happy to sponsor the printing of an edition of Common Sense. We
need every help we can get, from prayer to action. For the British
people will get another government which won't make much difference,
and the alternative still waits to be shown.
Author: Islamic Party
of Britain |
Date Published:
1997 |
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