anybody criticizes Zionist colonialist excesses or tries to expose
the undue influence their lobbyists exert on our public
institutions, the cry of anti-Semitism is designed to stifle debate.
Below we quote from Arthur Koestler's scholarly exposition "The
Thirtheenth Tribe" which shows that whilst Arab Palestinians
are Semitic, the majority of Israeli Jews are not. There is little
wonder why they wear medieval European costumes and take part in,
for example, the European Song Festival: They are a latter-day
addition to the twelve original tribes of Israel.
the beginning of the eighth century the world was polarized between
the two super-powers representing Christianity and Islam. Their
ideological doctrines were welded to power-politics pursued by the
classical methods of propaganda, subversion and military conquest.
The Khazar Empire represented a Third Force, which had proved equal
to either of them, both as an adversary and an ally. But it could
only maintain its independence by accepting neither Christianity nor
Islam - for either choice would have automatically subordinated it
to the authority of the Roman Emperor or the Caliph of Baghdad.
There had been no lack of efforts by either court to convert the
Khazars to Christianity or Islam, but all they resulted in was the
exchange of diplomatic courtesies, dynastic inter-marriages and
shifting military alliances based on mutual self-interest. Relying
on its military strength, the Khazar kingdom, with its hinterland of
vassal tribes, was determined to preserve its position as the Third
Force, leader of the uncommitted nations of the steppes. At the same
time, their intimate contacts with Byzantium and the Caliphate had
taught the Khazars that their primitive shamanism was not only
barbaric and outdated compared to the great monotheistic creeds, but
also unable to confer on the leaders the spiritual and legal
authority which the rulers of the two theocratic world powers, the
Caliph and the Emperor, enjoyed. Yet the conversion to either creed
would have meant submission, the end of independence, and thus would
have defeated its purpose. What could have been more logical than to
embrace a third creed, which was uncommitted towards either of the
two, yet represented the venerable foundation of both?"
the Khazar court's conversion was no doubt politically motivated, it
would still be absurd to imagine that they embraced overnight,
blindly, a religion whose tenets were unknown to them. In fact,
however, they had been well acquainted with Jews and their religious
observances for at least a century before the conversion, through
the continued influx of refugees from religious persecution in
Byzantium, and to a lesser extent from countries in Asia Minor
conquered by the Arabs. We know that Khazaria was a relatively
civilized country among the Barbarians of the North, yet not
committed to either of the militant creeds, and so it became a
natural haven for the periodic exodus of Jews under Byzantine rule,
threatened by forced conversion and other pressures."
exiles also brought with them Byzantine arts and crafts, superior
methods in agriculture and trade, and the square Hebrew alphabet. We
do not know what kind of script the Khazars used before that, but
the Fihrist of Ibn Nadim,7
a kind of universal bibliography written circa
AD 987, informs us that in his time the Khazars used the Hebrew
alphabet. It served the dual purpose of scholarly discourse in
Hebrew (analogous to the use of mediaeval Latin in the West) and as
a written alphabet for the various languages spoken in Khazaria
(analogous to the use of the Latin alphabet for the various
vernaculars in Western Europe). From Khazaria the Hebrew script
seemed to have spread into neighbouring countries... Some Hebrew
letters (shin and tsadei) also found their way into the Cyrillic alphabet, and
furthermore, many Polish silver coins have been found, dating from
the twelfth or thirteenth century, which bear Polish inscriptions in
Hebrew lettering (e.g., Leszek
krol Polski Leszek King of Poland), side by side with coins
inscribed in the Latin alphabet."
while the conversion was no doubt inspired by opportunistic motives
- conceived as a cunning political manoeuvre - it brought in its
wake cultural developments which could hardly have been foreseen by
those who started it. The Hebrew alphabet was the beginning; three
centuries later the decline of the Khazar state is marked by
repeated outbreaks of a messianic Zionism, with pseudo-Messiahs like
David El-Roi (hero of a novel by Disraeli) leading quixotic crusades
for the re-conquest of Jerusalem."
circumstances of the conversion are obscured by legend, but the
principal Arab and Hebrew accounts of it have some basic features in
common. Al-Masudi's account of the Jewish rule in Khazaria, quoted
earlier on, ends with a reference to a previous work of his, in
which he gave a description of those circumstances. That previous
work of Masudi's is lost; but there exist two accounts which are
based on the lost book. The first, by Dimaski (written in 1327),
reiterates that at the time of Harun al Rashid, the Byzantine
Emperor forced the Jews to emigrate; these emigrants came to the
Khazar country where they found "an intelligent but uneducated
race to whom they offered their religion. The natives found it
better than their own and accepted it." The second, much more
detailed account is in al-Bakri's Book
of Kingdoms and Roads (eleventh century)."
now turn from the principal Arab source on the conversion - Masudi
and his compilers - to the principal Jewish source. This is the so-called
"Khazar Correspondence": an exchange of letters, in
Hebrew, between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, the Jewish chief minister of the
Caliph of Cordoba, and Joseph, King of the Khazars or, rather,
between their respective scribes. The authenticity of the
correspondence has been the subject of controversy but is now
generally accepted with due allowance made for the vagaries of later
exchange of letters apparently took place after 954 and before 961,
that is roughly at the time when Masudi wrote. To appreciate its
significance a word must be said about the personality of Hasdai Ibn
Shaprut - perhaps the most brilliant figure in the "Golden
Age" (900-1200) of the Jews in Spain. .In 929, Abd-al-Rahman
III, a member of the Omayad dynasty, succeeded in unifying the
Moorish possessions in the southern and central parts of the Iberian
peninsula under his rule, and founded the Western Caliphate. His
capital, Cordoba, became the glory of Arab Spain, and a focal centre
of European culture with a library of 400000 catalogued volumes.
Hasdai, born 910 in Cordoba into a distinguished Jewish family,
first attracted the Caliph's attention as a medical practitioner
with some remarkable cures to his credit. Abd‑al‑Rahman
appointed him his court physician, and trusted his judgment so
completely that Hasdai was called upon, first, to put the state
finances in order, then to act as Foreign Minister and diplomatic
trouble‑shooter in the new Caliphate's complex dealings with
Byzantium, the German EmperorOtto, with Castile, Navarra, Arragon
and other Christian kingdoms in the north of Spain. Hasdai was a
true uomo universale centuries before the Renaissance who, in
between affairs of state, still found the time to translate medical
books into Arabic, to correspond with the learned rabbis of Baghdad
and to act as a Maecenas for Hebrew grammarians and poets. He
obviously was an enlightened, yet a devoted Jew, who used his
diplomatic contacts to gather information about the Jewish
communities dispersed in various parts of the world, and to
intervene on their behalf whenever possible."
first heard of the existence of an independent Jewish kingdom from
some merchant traders from Khurasan in Persia; but he doubted the
truth of their story. Later he questioned the members of a Byzantine
diplomatic mission to Cordoba, and they confirmed the merchants'
account, contributing a considerable amount of factual detail about
the Khazar kingdom, including the name - Joseph - of its present
King. Thereupon Hasdai decided to send couriers with a letter to
King Joseph. The letter ... contains a list of questions about the
Khazar state, its people, method of government, armed forces, and so
on - including an inquiry to which of the twelve tribes Joseph
belonged. This seems to indicate that Hasdai thought the Jewish
Khazars to hail from Palestine - as the Spanish Jews did and perhaps
even to represent one of the Lost Tribes. Joseph, not being of
Jewish descent, belonged, of course, to none of the tribes; in his
Reply to Hasdai, he provides, as we shall see, a genealogy of a
different kind, but his main concern is to give Hasdai a detailed if
legendary - account of the conversion - which took place two
centuries earlier - and the circumstances that led to it."
then proceeds to provide a genealogy of his people. Though a fierce
Jewish nationalist, proud of wielding the `sceptre of Judah",
he cannot, and does not, claim for them Semitic descent; he traces
their ancestry not to Shem, but to Noah's third son, Japheth; or
more precisely to Japheth's grandson, Togarma, the ancestor of all
Turkish tribes. "We have found in the family registers of our
fathers," Joseph asserts boldly, "that Togarma had ten
sons, and the names of their offspring are as follows: Uigur, Dursu,
Avars, Huns, Basilii, Tarniakh, Khazars, Zagora, Bulgars, Sabir. We
are the sons of Khazar, the seventh..." .The identity of some
of these tribes, with names spelt in the Hebrew script is rather
dubious, but that hardly matters; the characteristic feature in this
genealogical exercise is the amalgamation of Genesis with Turkish
tribal tradition. [It also throws a sidelight on the frequent
description of the Khazars as the people of Magog. Magog, according
to Genesis X, 2-3 was the much maligned uncle of Togarma.] .After
the genealogy, Joseph mentions briefly some military conquests by
his ancestors which carried them as far as the Danube; then follows
at great length the story of Bulan's conversion. "From this day
onwards," Joseph continues, "the Lord gave him strength
and aided him; he had himself and his followers circumcized and sent
for Jewish sages who taught him the Law and explained the
Commandments." There follow more boasts about military
victories, conquered nations, etc., and then a significant passage:
these events, one of his [Bulan's] grandsons became King; his name
was Obadiab, he was a brave and venerated man who reformed the Rule,
fortified the Law according to tradition and usage, built synagogues
and schools, assembled a multitude of Israel's sages, gave them
lavish gifts of gold and silver, and made them interpret the twenty-four
[sacred] books, the Mishna [Precepts] and the Talmud, and the order
in which the liturgies are to be said.
indicates that, about a couple of generations after Bulan, a
religious revival or reformation took place (possibly accompanied by
a coup d'etat on the lines envisaged by Artamonov). It seems indeed
that the Judaization of the Khazars proceeded in several steps. We
remember that King Bulan drove out "the sorcerers and idolators"
before the angel appeared
to him; and that he made his Covenant with the "true God" before deciding whether He was the Jewish, Christian or Muslim God.
It seems highly probable that the conversion of King Bulan and his
followers was another intermediary step, that they embraced a
primitive or rudimentary form of Judaism, based on the Bible alone,
excluding the Talmud, all rabbinical literature, and the observances
derived from it. In this respect they resembled the Karaites, a
fundamentalist sect which originated in the eighth century in Persia
and spread among Jews all over the world particularly in
"Little Khazaria", i.e., the Crimea. Dunlop and some other
authorities surmised that between Bulan and Obadiah (i.e., roughly
between 740 and 800) some form of Karaism prevailed in the country,
and that orthodox "Rabbinic" Judaism was only introduced
in the course of Obadiah's religious reform. The point is of some
importance because Karaism apparently survived in Khazaria to the
end, and villages of Turkish-speaking Karaite Jews, obviously of
Khazar origin, still existed in modern times ...Thus the Judaization
of the Khazars was a gradual process which, triggered off by
political expediency, slowly penetrated into the deeper strata of
their minds and eventually produced the Messianism oftheir period of
decline. Their religious commitment survived the collapse of their
state, and persisted, as we shall see, in the Khazar-Jewish
settlements of Russia and Poland."
mentioning Obadiah's religious reforms, Joseph gives a list of his
his son, and his son Manasseh, and Chanukah the brother of Obadiah,
and Isaac his son, Manasseh his son, Nissi his son, Menahem his son,
Benjamin his son, Aaron his son, and I am Joseph, son of Aaron the
Blessed, and we were all sons of Kings, and no stranger was allowed
to occupy the throne of our fathers.
Joseph attempts to answer Hasdai's questions about the size and
topography of his country. But he does not seem to have a competent
person at his court who could match the skill of the Arab
geographers, and his obscure references to other countries and
nations add little to what we know from Ibn Hawkal, Masudi and the
other Persian and Arabic sources. He claims to collect tribute from
thirty-seven nations - which seems a rather tall proposition; yet
Dunlop points out that nine of these appear to be tribes living in
the Khazar heartland, and the remaining twenty-eight agree quite
well with Ibn Fadlan's mention of twenty-five wives, each the
daughter of a vassal king (and also with Eldad ha-Dani's dubious
tales). We must further bear in mind the multitude of Slavonic
tribes along the upper reaches of the Dnieper and as far as Moscow,
which, as we shall see, paid tribute to the Khazars. .However that
may be, there is no reference in Joseph's letter to a royal harem
only a mention of a single queen and her maids and eunuchs'. These
are said to live in one of the three boroughs of Joseph's capital,
Itil: "in the second live Israelites, Ishmaelis, Christians and
other nations who speak other languages; the third, which is an
island, I inhabit myself, with the princes, bondsmen and all the
servants that belong to me."
next passage is devoted to the date of the coming of the Messiah:
have our eyes on the sages of Jerusalem and Babylon, and although we
live far away from Zion, we have nevertheless heard that the
calculations are erroneous owing to the great profusion of sins, and
we know nothing, only the Eternal knows how to keep the count. We
have nothing to hold on only the prophecies of Daniel, and may the
Eternal speed up our Deliverance."
other Hebrew sources, there is the "Cambridge Document"
(so called after its present location in the Cambridge University
Library). It was discovered at the end of the last century, together
with other priceless documents in the "Cairo Geniza", the
store-room of an ancient synagogue, by the Cambridge scholar,
Solomon Schechter. The document is in a bad state; it is a letter
(or copy of a letter) consisting of about a hundred lines in Hebrew;
the beginning and the end are missing, so that it is impossible to
know who wrote it and to whom it was addressed. King Joseph is
mentioned in it as a contemporary and referred to as "my
Lord", Khazaria is called "our land"; so the most
plausible inference is that the letter was written by a Khazar Jew
of King Joseph's court in Joseph's lifetime, i.e., that it is
roughly contemporaneous with the "Khazar Correspondence".
Some authorities have further suggested that it was addressed to
Hasdai ibn Shaprut, and handed in Constantinople to Hasdai's
unsuccessful envoy, Isaac bar Nathan, who brought it back to Cordoba
(whence it found its way to Cairo when the Jews were expelled from
Spain). At any rate, internal evidence indicates that the document
originated not later than in the eleventh century, and more likely
in Joseph's lifetime, in the tenth." "About a century
after the Khazar Correspondence and the presumed date of the
Cambridge Document, Jehuda Halevi wrote his once celebrated book,
Kuzari, the Khazars. Halevi (1085-1141) is generally considered the
greatest Hebrew poet of Spain; the book, however, was written in
Arabic and translated later into Hebrew; its sub-title is "The
Book of Proof and Argument in Defence of the Despised Faith".
Halevi was a Zionist who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; the
Kuzari, written a year before his death, is a philosophical tract
propounding the view that the Jewish nation is the sole mediator
between God and the rest of mankind. At the end of history, all
other nations will be converted to Judaism; and the conversion of
the Khazars appears as a symbol or token of that ultimate event. In
spite of its title, the tract has little to say about the Khazar
country itself, which serves mainly as a backdrop for yet another
legendary account of the conversion the King, the angel, the Jewish
scholar, etc. - and for the philosophical and theological dialogues
between the King and the protagonists of the three religions.
However, there are a few factual references, which indicate that
Halevi had either read the correspondence between Hasdai and Joseph
or had other sources of information about the Khazar country."
twice, in different places of the book, gives the date of the
conversion as having taken place "400 years ago" and
"in the year 4500" (according to the Jewish calendar).
This points to AD 740, which is the most likely date. All in all, it
is a poor harvest as far as factual statements are concerned, from a
book that enjoyed immense popularity among the Jews of the Middle
Ages. But the mediaeval mind was less attracted by fact than by
fable, and the Jewswere more interested in the date of the coming of
the Messiah than in geographical data. The Arab geographers and
chroniclers had a similarly cavalier attitude to distances, dates
and the frontiers between fact and fancy. .This also applies to the
famed German-Jewish traveller, Rabbi Petachia of Ratisbon, who
visited Eastern Europe and western Asia between 1170 and 1185. His
travelogue, Sibub Ha'olam, "Journey around the World", was apparently
written by a pupil, based on his notes or on dictation. It relates
how shocked the good Rabbi was by the primitive observances of the
Khazar Jews north of the Crimea, which he attributed to their
adherence to the Karaite heresy:
the Rabbi Petachia asked them: "Why do you not believe in the
words of the sages [i.e., the Talmudists]?" They replied:
"Because our fathers did not teach them to us." On the eve
of the Sabbath they cut all the bread which they eat on the Sabbath.
They eat it in the dark, and sit the whole day on one spot. Their
prayers consist only of the psalms. [Spending the Sabbath in the
dark was a well-known Karaite custom.]
incensed was the Rabbi that, when he subsequently crossed the Khazar
heartland, all he had to say was that it took him eight days, during
which "he heard the wailing of women and the barking of
dogs". He does mention, however, that while he was in Baghdad,
he had seen envoys from the Khazar kingdom looking for needy Jewish
scholars from Mesopotamia and even from Egypt, "to teach their
children Torah and Talmud". While few Jewish travellers from
the West undertook the hazardous journey to the Volga, they recorded
encounters with Khazar Jews at all principal centres of the
civilized world. Rabbi Petachia met them in Baghdad; Benjamin of
Tudela, another famous traveller of the twelfth century, visited
Khazar 6 notables in Constantinople and Alexandria; Ibraham ben Daud,
a contemporary of Judah Halevi's, reports that he had seen in Toledo
"some of their descendants, pupils of the wise".
eleventh-century Hebrew author, Japheth ibn-Ali, himself a Karaite,
explains the word mamzer; "bastard", by the example of the Khazars who
became Jews without belonging to the Race. His contemporary, Jacob
ben-Reuben, reflects the opposite side of this ambivalent attitude
by speaking of the Khazars as "a single nation who do not bear
the yoke of the exile, but are great warriors paying no tribute to
the Gentiles". In summing up the Hebrew sources on the Khazars
that have come down to us, one senses a mixed reaction of
enthusiasm, scepticism and, above all, bewilderment. A warrior-nation
of Turkish Jews must have seemed to the rabbis as strange as a
circumcized unicorn.
a postscript to the Arab and Hebrew sources relating to the
conversion, it should be mentioned that the apparently earliest
Christian source antedates them both. At some date earlier than 864,
the Westphalian monk, Christian Druthmar of Aquitania, wrote a Latin
treatise Expositio in
Evangelium Mattei, in which he reports that "there exist
people under the sky in regions where no Christians can be found,
whose name is Gog and Magog, and who are Huns; among them is one,
called the Gazari, who are circumcized and observe Judaism in its
about the same time when Druthmar wrote down what he knew from
hearsay about the Jewish Khazars, a famed Christian missionary, sent
by the Byzantine Emperor, attempted to convert them to Christianity.
He was no less a figure than St Cyril, "Apostle of the
Slavs", alleged designer of the Cyrillic alphabet. He and his
elder brother, St Methodius, were entrusted with this and other
proselytizing missions by the Emperor Michael III, on the advice of
the Patriarch Photius (himself apparently of Khazar descent, for it
is reported that the Emperor once called him in anger "Khazar
face"). Cyril's proselytizing efforts seem to have been
successful among the Slavonic people in Eastern Europe, but not
among the Khazars. He travelled to their country via Cherson in the
Crimea; in Cherson he is said to have spent six months learning
Hebrew in preparation for his mission; he then took the "Khazarian
Way" - the Don-Volga portage to Itil, and from there travelled
along the Caspian to meet the Kagan (it is not said where). The
usual theological disputations followed, but they had little impact
on the Khazar Jews Even the adulatory Vita Constantine (Cyril's original name) says only that Cyril made a
good impression on the Kagan, that a few people were baptized and
two hundred Christian prisoners were released by the Kagan as a
gesture of goodwill. It was the least he could do for the Emperor's
envoy who had gone to so much trouble. There is a curious sidelight
thrown on the story by students of Slavonic philology. Cyril is
credited by tradition not only with having devised the Cyrillic but
also the Glagolytic alphabet. The latter, according to Baron, was
"used in Croatia to the seventeenth century. Its indebtedness
to the Hebrew alphabet in at least eleven characters, representing
in part the Slavonic sounds, has long been recognized". (The
eleven characters are A, B, V, G, E, K, P, R, S, Sch, T.) This seems
to confirm what has been said earlier on about the influence of the
Hebrew alphabet in spreading literacy among the neighbours of the
evidence quoted in previous chapters adds up to a strong case in
favour of those modern historians - whether Austrian, Israeli or
Polish who, independ ently from each other, have argued that the
bulk of modern Jewry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin.
The mainstream of Jewish migrations did not flow from the
Mediterranean across France and Germany to the east and then back
again. The stream moved in a consistently westerly direction, from
the Caucasus through the Ukraine into Poland and thence into Central
Europe. When that unprecedented mass-settlement in Poland came into
being, there were simply not enough Jews around in the west to
account for it; while in the east a whole nation was on the move to
new frontiers. It would of course be foolish to deny that Jews of
different origin also contributed to the existing Jewish world-community.
The numerical ratio of the Khazar to the Semitic and other
contributions is impossible to establish. But the cumulative
evidence makes one inclined to agree with the consensus of Polish
historians that "in earlier times the main bulk originated from
the Khazar country"; and that, accordingly, the Khazar
contribution to the genetic make-up of the Jews must be substantial,
and in all likelihood dominant.
Author: Islamic
Party of Britain
Date Published: June
2002 |
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