
In the name of Allah the compassionate, the
We could all agree,
without argument, that the youth of today are the future of the
nation and the world. Yet the role of youth and their influence In
society is by no means limited to their potential as the "grown ups"
of tomorrow. Youth form a vital part of society, influencing, often
forming and shaping its concepts, culture and policies.
It is also true to
say that the concepts and culture of a society play a vital role in
shaping and moulding the youth. If the youth are exposed to the
harmful negative concepts of life, the behaviour of the youth will
follow. The success and viability of a society can only be judged by
the condition of its people, and by no means should this be limited
to economic conditions. There is little advantage in a society of
opulence when it is rotting in moral decadence. The society whose
individuals live on a diet of fantasy and intoxication as the means
of escaping the hardships of life breed children to whom these
things become the sole purpose of existence. These youth will
project the same concepts to society, and so the vicious circle
The secular society
in which we live today is an active example of this. We see the
youth of today and understand the potentially horrifying
consequences for the world of tomorrow. Children are exposed to
video and television pictures of horrifying brutality, and their
minds and souls are numbed to the real torture and oppression that
is taking place. A society where bored youth take to rape and brutal
assault as a means of entertainment, confused by drugs and music
culture that inflames passions and dulls intellect. Their religious
leaders are weak, compromising and corrupt, the political leaders
reek of hypocrisy and self interest. Spiritually empty, the youth
unthinkingly seek satisfaction in the distractions of the consumer
society promoted by a media whose interest is not in the well being
of mankind but actually in further promoting the false ideals of the
consumer society on which their own existence depends. The solution
does not lie in making partial adjustments nor in violent
revolution. The first leads to temporary cures, but fails to cure
the disease, the second causes brief enthusiasm but soon reverts to
the same or a even worse situation. The reason for man's failure to
provide himself with a philosophy, culture and way of life that
ensures his continued peaceful, prosperous and morally sound
existence is that man is simply incapable of such a momentous task.
This is because we are incapable of achieving the correct and
complete understanding of our minds, our environment and the
necessary balance between the two. Thus the call for the youth of
the world to adopt the only viable alternative, guidance from Allah.
Islam offers a
system that ensures justice, peace, stability and prosperity for all
those who live within it, be they believer or non-believer, Muslim,
Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or atheist. Our policies are not
limited to the betterment of Muslims alone, but of all humanity,
regardless of sex or creed, race or colour. Indeed we would expect
from the Muslim the spirit of self sacrifice by which he deprives
himself in order to help others.
It is the duty of
any Islamic government to provide its citizens with shelter, food
and clothing. It will be one of our priorities to ensure that youth
are housed and provided with employment, or some constructive
occupation. We must address ourselves to the fact of the depressed
state of youth today, and aim at solving this problem by preparing
them to face and solve the challenges of the world today. Since the
overall policy of the Islamic Party of Britain must be to create a
society that harmonises with our environment and so fulfill our duty
to our Creator the youth will have a vital role to play in such an
important, complex, and massive task.
Another priority
must be to destroy the false and evil concepts of racism and
nationalism amongst the youth. The government should encourage all
youth to travel to different countries, meet and work with other
youth from around the world. Such activities could be promoted as
forming an integrated part of the education system.
We shall also make
higher education available to more people of all ages. Youth must be
encouraged to be as well educated as possible. At the same time
continued study should by no means present an obstruction to
starting family life. We must also filter out from university life
some of its more evil influences, without dulling the spirit of free
and innovative thought. We also aim to bring the youth out doors.
Increasing the knowledge and awareness of the intricacy, beauty and
power in God's creation will encourage them to care for it and help
preserve it. Sports such as horse riding, swimming, archery and
shooting, martial arts, flying, sailing should be made available to
youths of all the community and not restricted to the few who can
afford it. School education, for example, could involve regular
attendance of a youth organisation similar to the Scouts. With such
policies, God willing, we can go a long way to solving many of the
problems that confront our society, and indeed humanity as a whole.
Islam is the
solution to the world's problems. No other religion, way of life or
culture can possibly succeed, because only truth can satisfy the
soul of humankind, and only the guidance, laws, and concepts taught
to us by God are capable of achieving just balance. Much of the
misery and despair of the youth is caused by a spiritual emptiness
which the religion and practices of this society leave unfulfilled.
Disillusion and disgust is inevitable in a world where material
possessions are valued more than human beings. Thus to fill that
emptiness they take to drugs, drink music and violence. Islam fills
that emptiness and provides complete practical moral guidance. Many
are now coming to the fold of Islam. One of our main objectives must
be to convey this to the youth of today. The Muslim youth especially
have the duty to practice and pass on the message of Islam, and
themselves must understand that Islam is not limited to mosques and
madrassahs, but affects all parts of their life, and they must be
infused with the love for and spirit of jihad. We must organise
effective da'wa, and Muslim children whether at primary or
university level, must be inculcated with the need for and the
knowledge of how to perform this vital task.
Hope lies with the
youth. Man was created righteous, with the instinctive urge to do
good. Exposure to the pollutants of an evil and corrupt society
cloud that instinct. If we wish to find pure water we search for the
source. So with man, it is in the youth we must look to establish
the pure faith, and so carry the struggle to on-coming generations.
The party has a vital role to play in firing the enthusiasm of our
youth, and bringing them towards the understanding of our duty to
establish the law of Allah on this earth, and that all
considerations be they personal or financial must be secondary to
Victory comes from
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