
It is now becoming widely accepted that Christianity will
vanquish as a religion in the UK over the next 15-20 years. My question has
1) What does Islam have to offer that
Christianity has failed to provide?
2) What is the future of Islam in
3) How can we the
British people achieve maximum benefit from Islamic teachings?
We would not like to make any predictions as to the future of
Christianity, but there are many reasons why Islam is becoming
more attractive to people in Britain, Europe, or America. As there
are more practising Muslims in these parts of the world now, there
is more reliable first-hand information which presents a different
image of Islam from the orientalist or media distortions of the past.
The number one advantage of Islam over Christianity is its
straightforwardness. Islam does not require anybody to gain
access to their creator via an intermediary, be it a priest or the
church authority. Secondly, Islam is the eternal religion chosen by
God/Allah, and does not need to change with the fashion of the
time. By trying to accommodate all kinds of changing trends, the
church has lost credibility, as it is no longer leading from the front,
by providing guidance, but running after the unprincipled
preferences and desires of its existing and potential followers.
There are lessons to be learned for Islam and Muslims. We must
not try and adapt the message just to please and attract people,
but study the guidance and apply it to our lifes. We must not allow
a hierarchy to develop which gets in the way of individuals' direct
relationship with their creator. And most of all, we must lead by
example, and address the problems of the societies around us,
because deeds speak louder than words.