
Who do you think
is going to win this war and what can Muslims do to counter the
damage done to Islam and Muslims?
Following media
statements and interviews on ARV digital TV we have received
numerous questions on the current war and the background to it.
Those questions are answered elsewhere on this site, for example,
within the pages of Common
Sense. However, some correspondents
wanted to know who we think is going to win this war and what
Muslims could do to counter the damage done to Islam and Muslims. In
reply to these concerns we would briefly like to refer to the many
Hadith on the events before the Hour as well as the promise in the
Qur'an that "the party of the believers will gain the upper
hand". Victory has been promised by Allah for the believers as
long as they adhere to the requirements of their faith. A key issue
is therefore the need to work towards a greater unity of Muslims on
an individual, organisational and governmental level. In practical
terms it is also important that alongside military attacks a
propaganda war is being fought for the minds of people and it is
essential that we do our best to expose the war aims of the United
States government for what they are and highlight the moral
bankruptcy of their foreign policy. We must resist the division of
Muslims into moderate and fundamentalist as well as the
demonisastion of Islam. In the West, we must work with all peace-
loving and morally concerned people of other faiths and of no faith
so as to isolate the power-hungry motives of the American and
British aggressors rather than allow them to isolate Islam and