What are the exact details behind the conflict in
Kashmir and how can it be resolved? I understand that Britain
played a leading role in creating this mess, how did Britain contribute to this problem and why isn't it doing more to resolve the
Kashmir is one of
the many examples that UN resolutions aren't worth
the paper that they are written on and are manipulated at will by
those who hold real power. The Security Council repeatedly stated that:
"the final disposition of the State of Jammu and
Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people
expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial
plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations".
Knowing well that after the partition of India and Pakistan the,
predominantly Muslim people, of Kashmir would choose to either
join with Pakistan or become an independent Muslim state, Britain
continually used its influence in the region and on the world scene
to prevent such a plebiscite from being held, and de facto Kashmir
was portrayed as if it was Indian territory made unsafe by Islamic
terrorists. The scenario is comparable to Palestine, where the
Palestinians are made out to be the culprits and the apartheid
Zionist state of Israel is passed off as a democracy.
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