
How in Heaven's
name could foreigners like yourselves ever had the affront to start
a political party based on the religious fantasies of the Quran and
call it British? It is bad enough that the British have to suffer Judeo-Christian
indoctrination. At least the Bible only has talking donkeys, which
are at least warm blooded animals, and not talking insects like your
holy book. Surely, Sirs, you jest .....
The mindless insults
of this "question" would not normally deserve posting on
our website but for the weird assumption that to be a Muslim, you
have to be a foreigner. Besides the fact that everybody is a
foreigner almost everywhere but close to home, Islam is the faith of
choice for countless British born Anglo-Saxons (like the leader
of the Islamic Party, for example, who is an Englishman from
Sheffield) as well as second and third generation immigrants from
British Commonwealth countries. Given the chequered history of
immigration in Britain (from the Vikings, the French, the Germans,
the Romans etc. all the way to East European Jews, Asians, and
Africans), it is rather difficult to define what makes an
"indigenous" person, as almost all of them, including the
Royal family, have foreign ancestry.