
Dear Islamic Party,
Can you explain the
rights of a dhimmi under Islamic rule? What is the pact of Caliph Omar on dhimmi rights?
[If you have read the book by Bat Ye'or
"ISLAM AND DHIMMITUDE" can you comment on that - I haven't
read it, but I have read reviews]
Given that Daniel Pipes recommends the book you mention, it is likely
to contain polemics rather than analysis, but nobody here has read it
either so far.
The term "Dhimmi" (protected person) relates to a
classification of citizenship only relevant within a state under
rule. Because the Islamic state is governed by a religious ideology,
those not subscribing to this ideology are not called upon to defend it
and therefore not required to do military service. However, as they are nonetheless
protected by the defences of the Islamic state, they pay the
"Jizya" (compensation) as a tax applying specifically to them for that
purpose. In turn they are exempt from Muslim-specific taxes like Zakat,
which is used to help Muslims in need.
The concept has to do with Islam's understanding and treatment of
minorities and particularly the special status of other monotheistic
religions, namely Judaism and Christianity. It must first be remembered
that some 6 centuries before King John in his Magna Carta reluctantly
gave some basic rights to the freemen of England, which is hailed as
the first ever constitution, the city state of Madina had a proper
constitution which included protection for minorities well beyond those
offered by modern democracies today. The misunderstandings arise
when one confuses the religion of Islam with the political ideology of
Traditionally Islam is seen as a religion and a state, and public
are not separated from religious convictions. Naturally, as the Qur'an
prescribes that there is no compulsion in religion, Islam does not
interfere with the private beliefs of any of the citizen of the Islamic
but it will restrict some of their public practices where they
the foundation of the state and its ideology. For example, a Muslim
state will not permit the human sacrifice of idolatrous religions even
though their adherents may believe them to be right and proper. Islam
also forbids the public worship of idols as a degradation of humanity.
The "people of the book", however, enjoy a special status in that they
may opt to be governed by their own laws in private and family matters
and all affairs between themselves. Their places of worship are
protected, which includes the safety of their religious symbols, like
cross, even though the idea of Jesus' - peace be upon him - crucifixion is abhorrent to
Muslims. Islam concedes that these religions worship the same God,
that they have a common origin with Islam, and it leaves it to God to
judge their differences.
Far from being an oppressive condition, the status of dhimmi permits
Jews and Christians a measure of self-sufficiency and autonomy within
the Muslim state, guaranteeing their protection but not requiring them
to submit to the ideological and political postulates of Islam. When
second caliph of Islam, Omar, conquered Jerusalem he therefore gave
a guarantee to the Christians for the safeguarding of their churches
and rituals of worship, and he gave the inhabitants a free choice of
accepting citizenship under Islamic rule whilst paying Jizya, or
with all their belongings without persecution. Most chose to stay. Not
only does this differ from most conquests in history, but the Islamic
over Jerusalem is also the only time where all three monotheistic
coexisted there peacefully. The Christian crusades and the Jewish
occupation contrast the Muslim period by their brutality. That the
of Jewish and Christian minorities under Islam is by far preferable to
the treatment either of those religions grant the minorities in their
midst is also borne out in Spain which under Muslim rule became
known as the "golden period" of the Jews before they and Muslims
were subjected to the most severe persecution during the Christian