
What are your views on the continuing conflict in Sudan. Would you
endorse a proposal to split the country in two, Muslim North and
Christian/Animist South. Also is there any evidence to prove that the
SPLA, a terrorist organisation by any standards is being supported and
funded by the US?
One of the interesting aspects rarely mentioned in this conflict is the
connection: the line of conflict coincides precisely with where large
reservoirs are positioned, which are hardly exploited by Sudan and
coveted by American oil companies. Recent refinery deals have
weighted the benefits heavily in favour of the oil giants. There is
also no
secret that the Southern rebel army under Garang would not have
survived as long without outside support. Splitting countries, stirring
conflict and leaving them ungovernable is part of the colonial legacy:
Free countries, independent from outside military protection, would
utilise their own resources rather than inviting foreign exploitation.