
Is it true that the uncle of Yassir Arafat, the Grand Mufti, was a
Nazi, and had a 22,000 strong Bosnian Muslim Nazi contingent? And
they massacred many Christians and Jews.
I have been told this while debating with Christians, and I know
nothing about this. I did a search on google, but only found
information by pro-Serbs and Zionists trying to discredit Islam and
the Palestinian cause. I would like to know the other side.
There is no question that one of the former Grand Mufti's of Palestine,
Haj Amin al-Husseini and Hitler had been in contact with each other
and that Hitler did what every other European nation at the time also
did, trying to forge alliances. Husseini's sympathies for Hitler have
more to do with his antipathies for Britain than with Nazi ideology.
all, Britain had made false promises to various Arab nations during the
first world war to set them up against Turkey, and had then betrayed
them and given away Palestine to the Zionists. This, however, is where
the story ends.
Your question is the first mention we have heard of Husseini being
Arafat's uncle. He does belong to a Husseini clan, a name as common as Smith in England, but when trying to create a Nazi link for
Arafat, Zionist propagandists face a slight dilemma in that previously
they have tried to deny that he has any legitimate connection to
Jerusalem at all, having been born in Cairo. So most of them settled
stating that he learned Nazi teachings from the grand Mufti rather than
claiming a family bond - after all, you can't have it both ways.
Equally borne out of the inventive minds of the propagandists is the
Bosnian Nazi connection for which the Serbs allegedly wanted to bring
Husseini to book. This is one of the more recent "the enemy of my
enemy is my friend" approaches of Sharon's Israel which tries to put it
across that expulsion and massacres of Muslims in Palestine are
entirely justified because Muslims are nasty people as evidenced by
others who also wanted to get rid of them. So Israel cooperates with
Serbs against Bosnians, with Indians against Muslim Kashmiris etc.
Now when it comes right down to it the key question remains:
no matter how hard today's Israeli military and politicians try to
getting credit for once upon a time having been victims, does this
them the unquestionable and eternal right to victimise others?