
How can I join your
party or make a donation. Also does your party field candidates in
any elections?
For a donation send
a cheque made payable to "Islamic Party" to the party's
address at PO Box 844, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2YT. As for
direct involvement, this depends largely on where you live. In some
places there may already by others to cooperate with. In other
places, you would have to begin by finding like-minded people to
start forming a local group. We did contest elections in the past,
not so much to gain representation, but rather in order to initiate
debate, but found that the majority of Muslims and Muslim
organisations were closely tied to the Labour Party. The Labour
Party would not have the strong position it currently holds without
Muslim support, and Muslims are at least partly responsible for the
arrogance with which the Labour government now dismisses public
opinion as irrelevant. This is likely to change in the May council
elections, and anyone feeling that it might be feasible to put up a
challenge in their area should get in touch. Considering that almost
one tenth of London inhabitants are Muslim, the potential in the
capital alone is great, but realising this potential depends on the
initiative and organising talent of local people.