Muslims often
claim that the Qur'an is a miracle. How can a book that was
compiled 1400 years ago be a miracle, and if it is such a miracle
why isn't this more widely recognised in academic circles?
Ask anybody to
write a commentary on current affairs over the next 23 years,
including legislative proposals and predictions for the future
which are to stand the test of time and scientific examination,
then rearrange that text in a completely different order, expect
it to still make perfect sense, have cohesion and lack
contradiction, expect it to be a dominant influence on the lifes
of nations for the next one and a half millenia so much that
hundreds of thousands of people will still learn it by heart at
that time - you're asking for nothing short than a miracle.
Your best writers
using state of the art technology and computer aided modelling
will not be heard of in the year 3500, even if they set out to
achieve such a project, yet the Qur'an has done just that, being
produced one and a half millenia ago, when writing was still in
its infancy. The Qur'an's encouragement of exploration and
research gave birth to modern science as we know it, but many
courageous scholars were still burnt at the stake by the medieval
church authorities before contact with Muslim Spain sparked off
the age
of enlightenment. It contains accurate descriptions of
planetary orbits (in Europe we still believed in the flat earth
less than a thousand years ago), it describes the embryonic stages
of human development in the womb (a thousand years ahead of
European books on anatomy), it states the preservation of the body
of the pharaoh (whose mummy was only discovered about a century
ago and buried long before and far away from the time and place of
the Qur'an's revelation), it affords property and voting rights to
women (which European women only achieved fairly recently) and
forbid their exploitation (which Western women are still subjected
to); what is more, it has an inimitable style in its original
Arabic form which made it the standard of grammar and syntax for
Arabic and made Arabic the first standardised language of the
So why isn't all
this more readily recognised in academic circles? The great
scholars of the West have not failed to recognise the greatness of
the Qur'an. Goethe and Kant, the shapers of European philosophy,
admired it and sung its praises, Napoleon used it as a blue print
to formulate his civil code, George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells
pointed to its historic significance, orientalists of distinction
have recognised its greatness. We can't blame academia. The people
who dismiss this miracle out of hand are the ones who are arrogant
enough to judge it without even reading it.
Reading  |
Invitation to the Truth by Harun Yahya
Heritage by FSTC Limited
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