The Rebirth of Illuminism in Europe 
On May the 1st 1776, Adam Weishaupt, re-established the “Insinuating” Brotherhood, to which all the following organisations & individuals became affiliated in some form or another, proving that Kufr or disbelief is all one: 

1776: Bavarian Illuminati formed; Kolmer - Cagliostro; 
Grand Lodge Nationale; Philosophy; Mabley; Diderot; 
Grand Orient; Rousseau; Voltaire. 
Illuminized Freemasonry; German Imperialism. 
Martinism Martine Paschalis; Frederick the Great. 
Frederick William II; Duke of Brunswick; Bismarck; 
Parfaite Amitie and Villermoz; 
Grand Loge des Maitre de Lyon; 
Philalethes Illumines d’Avignon. 

c1789: Marat Hebert; 1848/1871: Illuminists:- Proudhon; Bakunin; Netchaieff. 1873/1905: Syndicalism: Tortelier, Georges Sorel; Kropotrine. 1905/1917: C.G.T., Syndicalists of England, Spain, Italy. Anarchists; I.W.W; Guild Socialists. 

Orleanism. Phillip d’Orleans; Mirabeau; Talleyrand; Danton; Desmoulins. Ireland: Irish Brotherhood (Wolf Tone); United Irishmen (Napper Tandy);The Secret Societies (Fenton Lalor); The Fenians; The Irish Republican Brotherhood; Nihilism; The Grand Orient; The Young Turk Movement; European or Occidental Sufiism (introduced into the West by Knayat Khan in 1910, at Suresnes nr Paris); The Irish Labour Party. 

Internationalism. Anacharsis; England: Revolutionary Societies; Robert Owen; Chartism. Social Democratic Federation; The Fabian Society; I.L.P British Socialist Party; The British Communist Party; Polish Secret Societies linked with Russian Association of Welfare; Southern Association; United Slavs; Dekabrist Rising (Col Prestel). Internationalism: Clootz Branch: The Philadelphes; Tugenbund; Burschenschaft; Carbonari; Haute Vente Romaine “Nubius” Saint Simon; Fourier; Enfantin Bazard; Pierre Leroux; Blanqui. First, Internationale; The Revived Illuminati; the Spartacists; The New German Philosophers. 

Socialism: Robespierre; St Just; “Gracchus”; Mazzini; Babeuf; Buonarotti; Buchet; Louis Blanc; Pecqueur; Cabet. 

German Social Democacy: Karl Marx - Engels - Lassalle (1st & 2nd International); The Russian Social Democratic Party; The Jewish Bund; Bolsheviks, Lenin, Trotsky, The Russian Communist Party; 3rd International. The Mensheviks: Internationalist Martoff and Nationalist Plechanov. Social Revolutionaries: Left Wing: (Marie Spiridinova. Moderate Internationalist: Tchernov); Right Wing (Kerensky Babushka) 

And many more... 

Since 1917 little has changed. The process of generic engineering continues. They now go under the guise of the Socialist United Nations’ New World Order. 

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