SEPTEMBER 25th 1988:

As early as the September 88 interview with Sean French of the Observer, Rushdie disclosed that his ‘Satanic Verses’ were more to do with autobiography than fiction. This is an open admission that the psychotic-schizophrenic fall and flying sequences of both Chamcha and Farishta were disguised, non fictional accounts of himself [as were other members of his family disguised, he says, in earlier novels]. He intended thereby to protect his own personal sensitivities and those of his close family members, while allowing him to make highly sensitive disclosures, unhampered by either moral or social discretion. However, on this particular occasion he uses the ‘Modern Novels Technique’ in order to avoid disclosing or recognising his own mental disorder directly, and more importantly, to prevent others from discovering it and the self-avowed subversive nature of both his mission and his book.

Sean French: “You’ve described their fall into England from a plane as a ‘drastic act of immigration’. Is this ‘A Passage to India’ in reverse, ‘A Passage to England’?”

Salman Rushdie: “It wasn’t conscious. It’s more to do with auto-biography. Not that Chamcha [the devil] is me. I wanted to write about a thing I find difficult to admit, even to myself...”

Satanic Verses must, therefore, be considered as an autobiography,in which the long established, split and grandiose personality of the narrator, Salman Rushdie, is represented by two ‘allegedly’ fictional characters from the archetypal world-store or pantheon of Satanic personalities. They receive blasphemous disintegrated revelations on his behalf, whilst either falling, flying, or in Rushdie’s own words, “plummeting in a concussed condition”. This is a cunning device employed in order to be proffered later as “suitable mitigation” when the book provoked the inevitable outcry of blasphemy.

“Gibreel [Farishta-Rushdie] greeted her. ‘You couldn’t find your way to heaven or what?’ Insensitive words [one might think] to speak to a dead woman! But his concussed, plummeting condition, may be offered in mitigation.” [Satanic Verses, page 7]

Muslims were far more likely to be fooled with an extenuating aeronautical coma, than accept legal arguments protecting a U.K. author’s right to insult who or what ever he likes, providing he does so between inverted commas, or under the veneer of the novel formula. But unfortunately for him, this time they were not about to be bitten by the same snake twice. They neither accepted it as a fable - as he had hoped - nor as a semi-conscious work of fiction, but correctly identified it as an autobiographical account of out and out, possessed, premeditated blasphemy.

SEPTEMBER 13th 1989: 

The Leader’s inaugural speech contained references to admissions by Miles Copeland, one time head of CIA Middle East operations, that contrary to popular belief the CIA had more men guarding Gamal Abdul Nasser than the president of the United States. Copeland also revealed that knowing that the press has the power to purchase submission, they used it in order to overthrow the democratically elected, popular Iranian leader Mossadegh. And that it was Richard Cotton, a CIA operative in Washington D.C., who began the campaign of disinformation in Iran, by concocting over 4/5ths of all the Iranian newspaper reports and articles circulating during that period in Iran, falsely claiming that premier Mossadegh was a Communist collaborator.

He also stated that the CIA, working in concert with the British authorities, including Churchill, Julian Amery, Sir Samuel Falle, and Sir George Middleton (Charge d’Affairs at the Embassy in Tehran), brought about the Coup d’etat, which placed in charge more ‘Elastic‘ politicians over the Iranian people, for the West’s material benefit, particularly in the interest of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., now called British Petroleum. These were people like General Zahidi, who in the words of Sir George Middleton (Ends of Empire, Channel 4) was, “vain, plausible and thoroughly untrustworthy” [and no doubt short-listed for honorary knighthood like Labour’s Sir Nicholai Ceauescu, for deeds favouring people in the City of London, not his own]. On the question of the Iranian response to Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, Mr. Pidcock said:-

“When you come to the question of Salman Rushdie and the Satanic Verses issue, one must not view the Iranian response outside this historical context. Here we have Rushdie, an agent of an occult establishment, well paid and praised for his contribution to this ‘Last Crusade’. One can rest assured that if he had been a German war criminal, or a Jewish atomic expert telling the truth about the nuclear capabilities of Israel, the press would have treated the issue quite differently. As with Peter Wright’s ‘Spy Catcher’, the government would have reacted differently. But sadly, today the only thing that seems to generate anything approaching an outcry of ‘Blasphemy’ in the media or in the press, is, in the words of one American Rabbi: ”Anything that devalues the currency of the Holocaust." The cancellation of Jim Allen’s Play ‘Perdition’ at the Royal Court Theatre, to be replaced not long after by ‘Persian Nights’, demonstrates clearly that a double standard is in operation.

Under the Islamic laws of Moses the punishments for blasphemy are no different to those of latter-day Islam, outlined in the Torah of Muhammad, the Qur’an. And just as you would not expect the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury to abrogate any of the 10 Commandments, because the religion of Britain is now more ‘Bank of England’ than ‘Church of England’, or ask the Chief Rabbi to exonerate Dr. Goebbels on the grounds that writing a few speeches never hurt anyone; likewise, the fatwa of Ayatollah Khomeini must not be viewed without first taking into account the duplicitous nature of past, present, and for the foreseeable future British, American and European foreign policy, towards the strongly religious nations of Iran and Egypt in particular, and the strategically disunited Nations of Islam in general. Today ‘writer’s indignation’ outweighs ‘righteous indignation’."

FEBRUARY 25th 1990:

“The Islamic Party of Britain will call this week for the lifting of the fatwa pronounced against Salman Rushdie by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, Daud Musa Pidcock, its leader, said.”


Embargo until: Thursday 1st of March, 1900hrs G.M.T

Leader of the Islamic Party calls for a suspension of the sentence against Salman Rushdie: London/Birmingham. “ The leader of the Islamic Party of Britain, Mr. Daud Musa Pidcock, called today,Thursday, for a suspension of the punishment against the author of ‘Satanic Verses’, Mr. Salman Rushdie, pending the outcome of a committee of inquiry being set up to investigate the allegations that Mr. Rushdie may have been describing his own autobiographical account of mental breakdown prior to, or during the preparation of the manuscript. Ms. Marjory Wallace, director of S.A.N.E. [Schizophrenia, A National Emergency] who runs the new national schizophrenia help line, and who may be invited to review the committee’s report, said in a recent Radio interview [Start the Week, BBC Radio 4: 5/2/90] that Mr. Rushdie’s account of his characters’ ‘Fall and Flying sequences’, were in her opinion:- ‘The best descriptions she had ever read of a person undergoing Psychotic Schizophrenic Breakdown.’ Mr. Pidcock said that if this was the case, under the compassionate laws of Islam, Mr. Rushdie would be exempted from punishment and eligible for hospital treatment whilst attracting the sympathy of many of those currently outraged at his publication. Mr. Pidcock stressed that he was not calling for a cancellation of the Fatwa, which he said was technically correct, only for its suspension pending the committee’s findings, which if positive, would render Mr. Rushdie immune on the grounds of insanity. Mr. Pidcock repeated his appeal to the publishers to withdraw the continued publication of ‘Satanic Verses’ in line with the arguments put forward by the ‘Muslim Action Front’ in the High Court this week." [press release ends].

FRIDAY MARCH 2nd 1990:

By Jack O’Sullivan.

"The Islamic Party of Britain yesterday urged suspension of the death sentence against Salman Rushdie, on the grounds that he may have had a mental breakdown while writing The Satanic Verses. A spokesman said several psychiatrists had been approached to analyse the allegations, which if found to be true, would free the writer from the punishment because of his condition. The party announced the decision after hearing Marjorie Wallace, director of [SANE] Schizophrenia A National Emergency, argue on radio that some passages in the book strikingly resembled descriptions by her clients.” Ms Wallace also confirmed in her interview with Jack O’Sullivan that she had indeed said that the account of the heroes or anti-heroes of ‘The Satanic Verses’ particularly in those sequences of the characters falling and flying, were some of the best she had ever read of a person undergoing Psychotic Schizophrenic Breakdown, but emphasised that she had not said that Rushdie was actually mad. She, understandably, not wishing to be drawn into the controversy preferred to describe his condition to the ‘Independent’ as ‘Very Imaginative’. She added: “his descriptions of the fragmentation of the mind, the dissolving of the boundaries between the self and reality, together with the sense that his hero had his life overtaken by alien forces is very similar to the descriptions of how it feels when schizophrenics become split away from reality”. She also confirmed that she had agreed to review any psychiatric report on Rushdie.

Following the February 5th edition of ‘Start the Week’, Ms Wallace spoke to D. Bouilloire, a member of the Islamic Party in Sheffield, saying that it had not been her intention to imply that Salman Rushdie had actually experienced the Psychotic events described by him in his ‘Satanic Verses’, but on the other hand, when pressed, she said, “..neither can I state categorically that he has not” [extracts from a monitored telephone conversation].

The Qur’an invites us to compare all information without fear, because truth stands out clear from error. Nicolas Walter, in his book ‘Blasphemy Ancient and Modern’, points out many interesting facts about the Blasphemy Industry, and how it promotes and markets its wares. He admitted, however, that he had not studied an unbiased translation of the Qur’an which was now the subject of dispute, and therefore was ignorant of the profound verifiable scientific statements in the Qur’an about, for example the origins of our expanding Universe and that this Qur’an is being exonerated daily by the investigations of science. Data from COBE, ‘The Cosmic Background Explorer’, and Stephen Hawkin’s ‘Brief History of Time’ endorse the accuracy of the Qur’anic account of the ‘Big Bang’ and, of course, the ‘Big Crunch’. Other research reveals other proofs.

The mistakes and ignorance of Nicolas Walters about the Qur’an are understandable. He, unlike Salman Rushdie has not had access to the archives of unbiased history, but has regrettably allowed himself to be satisfied with the dregs of prejudice.

Rushdie on the other hand has tried to confound the truth with blatant falsehood, assassinating the characters of noble people, rubbishing good manners and high ideals and assaulting not just a book, but The Book. The Book that contains the solutions for all the world’s problems, The Book that if studied, can set mankind free from the slavery of Interest, Poverty, Global Warming, Racial Discrimination, Social Injustice, etc., etc., etc. And it is in these areas of vested interest that we find the ‘Rushdie faction’, those who benefit materially from inhumanely depriving others, like the Biblical Corah (known in the Qur’an as Qarun), who do not welcome any form of liberating book, be it Islamic or otherwise.

So, working on the principle that for a lie to succeed it must contain some element of truth, and with tame Rushdies ever ready to wage secular Jihad in order to gain the approbation of the English speaking Literary World Order, he chose to sell what was left of his ‘Honorary White Soul’ for an alleged $850,000 dollar advance. He thus endorsed the long standing and widely held view that a well financed, well organised war of subversion is still being waged; not only against Islam but all forms of moral order [see the chapter The Revolt against Islam on page 106 of this book]. This is not new; the only novelty is the use of the novel, rather than the older techniques of hiding or altering the wording of scripture or making them apocryphal in order to accommodate political ambition by circumnavigating inconvenient moral or financial prohibitions.

As to Rushdie’s rationalised externalisations and self-deceptive personations; these are first and foremost attempts to disguise from himself the embarrassing and unwelcome realisation that the narrative of his book, Satanic Verses, is merely a regurgitation of the neurotic dreams and nightmares he experienced during his ‘Psychotic Schizophrenic Breakdown’, now disguised as a novel. The neurotic, or post-godly type, as Rushdie calls himself, will always cloud issues to avoid clear exposure of either his neurosis or his ‘God-Shaped Hole’; a method employed in order to maintain the illusion of normality, like the vain ugly camel avoids drinking from clear water to maintain the illusion that it is handsome.

Next: The Rushdie Report

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