Islamic Party Of Britain

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Press Statement - 29/Nov/2000

We are delighted and encouraged by the recent pronouncement by Sheikh Nassr Farid, the Mufti of Egypt, endorsing our call for a strategic boycott of US and Israeli products, as an effective, long term measure, of protesting against the illegal and immoral occupation of Palestine, together with the ethnic cleansing and maiming of its legitimate inhabitants, by the Joint, Occupying Forces of America and Israel. This also includes their violation of Al Aqsa and other sacred places on and around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

It is now the duty of every Egyptian Muslim to protect the Sheikh Farid from the inevitable backlash which will result from his courageous stance. We all remember the fate suffered by previously outspoken opponents of America's Middle Eastern policies, amongst whom were Hassan Al Banna and Muhammad Qutb.

One of the Mufti's main opponents now, will be the rabidly pro-Israeli Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt, Yusuf Wali, who will certainly try to silence him one way or another.

David Musa Pidcock
Party Leader
Islamic Party of Britain

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