Islamic Party Of Britain

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 Kaleem Muhammed Alleyne 1931 -1997


Kaleem Muhammed Alleyne has sadly passed away on 15 November 1997 and will be greatly missed. To Allah we belong and to Him we return.

Kaleem Muhammad Alleyne was born in 1931 in Bridge Town Barbados. He was a founder member of the Islamic Party of Britain and a member of its executive body. He was the party's legal affairs spokesman and further concerned with social affairs and labour relations.

Prior to embracing Islam in 1978, Kaleem Alleyne served for 3 1/2 years in the Barbados Regiment. He migrated to England in 1959, where he studied social and labour law and economics.

He previously held the post of general secretary of the Barbados Democratic Labour Party, was chairman of the Barbados League of Friends, a trustee of the Barbados Overseas and Friends Association, a constituency secretary to the Labour Party Black Section in the London Borough of Hackney, a senior legal advisor and administrator for Black Rights UK and a journalist with the Caribbean Times.

Kaleem Alleyne continued to maintain close ties with his native country Barbados and will be dearly missed both there and in Britain.

Kaleem Muhammad Alleyne leaves a wife, 3 children and grandchildren.

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