Islamic Party Of Britain

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In Support of Kashmir - A Letter To Jack Straw 

Dear Mr. Straw,

During a recent visit to HMP Gartree I had occasion to meet Mr. Qayyum Raja, and I am writing to you to lend my voice to the many who have called for affording him equality of treatment with regard to the length of time he serves on his sentence and the decision concerning his release date. I would like to urge you to review his case and that of his co-defendant Mr. Mohammed Riaz so as not to permit the striking discrepancies between their sentence management and that of other lifers - particularly in the context of the unresolved conflict in Kahsmir, the role Britain played historically, and Britain's relationship to India in spite of her UN security council violations - to lay the British government open to charges of holding political prisoners.

Sahib Mustaqim Bleher
General Secretary
Date: 15 March 2001

The above letter was sent to Home Secretary Jack Straw in February 2001 and was published in several Asian papers. No reply has been received from the Home Secretary.

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