They say that Genetic Engineering deals with the modification of the structure of chromosomes in living organisms, in such a way to benefit man. Generic Engineering on the other hand, deals with the altering of names relative or relating to an entire group or class. In the drug industry for example a branded product may be prescribed under its generic chemical name without a trademark or title, either way the efficacy of the pill or potion is not affected by the missing label, although one must not discount entirely the placebo effect of a recognised brand name on a nation of consumers subjected to hours of TV advertising. But generally it is the chemical formulation that counts.

The common or garden aspirin formula becomes many names in many different companies and countries. So what’s in a name? Obviously an awful lot, because companies spend fortunes on trademarking and copyrights which influence or maintain market share; to say nothing of patents and ubiquitous advertising. Even though the general public is swayed one way or other to buy this brand or that, the contents of the tablets in the bottles remain identical. Much like certain brands of petrol that are refined at the same plant delivered in the same tankers, but sold at different prices under different names. Therefore, Generic Engineering, Badge Engineering, head swapping or product assimilation, call it what you may, is an ongoing process, and it is a process that has been going on for centuries. Particularly in the areas of theology, mythology, cults and legends. And no-where is the evidence of Generic Engineering more obvious, than in the mysteries, personalities, and festivals adopted by Western and Eastern Christianity; festivals and ideas, which pre-date the birth of Christ by several thousand years, and in themselves are products of a purely pagan nature and origin; casting doubt on the entire body of church opinion, morals and dogma.

The identical stories and plays of a crucified son of God, leave one in no doubt that the process of generic engineering has played an indispensible and active roll in passing off and maintaining the ancient system of pagan beliefs and practices, under a generic name called Christianity, which has nothing what so ever to do with Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, but everything to do with his antithesis. [Tadlees Iblis]

Babylon more than Pharaonic Egypt heads the list of places where corruption and occult practices predominated. It was and still is called ‘ard al fitna’ - the land of mischief. Saddam Hussein has once again demonstrated its ancient character and brought upon the people of Iraq a similar fate, by an even greater devil. But that should not surprise anyone. What more can one expect from a man who squandered tens of millions of dollars reconstructing the ancient city of Babylon, destroyed by God for its abominations, and boastfully carving his name on every piece rebuilt, endorsing - wittingly or otherwise - all the evil done during its turbulent history. ‘Babylon: that whore of cities.’ But Saddam Hussein is a mere novice when it comes to rebuilding Babylon. Western and Eastern Europe have constructed a hundred cities, as evil if not worse than the worst of Babylon. New York, Washington, Paris, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sydney, etc. all out-do it in terms of perversion and occult practices. London is now considered to be the occult capital of the world.

However, the most worrying aspect of all this is its effect on the Christian Church and the hundreds of millions of souls, which have been deceived into acting-out, over the centuries, pagan rituals of mainly Babylonian and Egyptian origin, in the name of Jesus the Messiah. For example, the passion story of the Lord of Christianity and the passion story of Bel, the Babylonian Sun God, are identical. But through the process we call ‘Generic Engineering’, the names have been changed in order to hoodwink the people. For a lie to succeed, it must contain an element of truth; therefore the true story of the long awaited messiah, to be born of a virgin as a sign to all humanity, was currency long before his arrival; and during that time, many tried to claim that title for either himself, his friend, or his family. So by the time the Messiah did appear, the extravagant claims about his nature and his purpose would not allow those who should have known better to believe him when he said that he was not God incarnate, only His faithful servant.

As in the case of most forms of hero worship, they wanted him to be what he was not, and conform to their own desires, and be or claim to be, the God they had created in their own image. When they couldn’t get him to go along with their earlier extravagant claims to Godhood, advising them, that it was the duty of the privileged to serve, not to exploit the less fortunate; and that he, like earlier prophets, intended to continue in the practice of noblesse oblige; they tried to kill him, because under those conditions they would not be able to maintain their special status or continue to exploit the existing situation to their advantage, nor would they wish to abandon their pride. So they resorted to character assassination by calumny, accusing him of their own crime in order to get rid of him, and maintain the status quo by the traditional method of execution: Crucifixion. Furthermore, if they could bring about the ‘death of god who had fallen into their power’, they would become more powerful than Him. At least that’s the idea behind the imitative magic process; you act out or put into words, what your heart desires, like a spider in its webb, and wait for the unsuspecting to come along. Like the story of Puss in Boots. Puss gets the Ogre to fall into the trap he lays for him. Puss says to the Ogre I bet you can’t change yourself into a lion, and like Saddam Hussein, his vanity gets the better of him and performs the magic act transforming himself into a ferocious lion, then the cat with all his guile says, oh that’s very impressive, but I bet you can’t change yourself into something as small as a mouse; a challenge to which the proud Ogre immediately responds; at which point the cat pounces on the Ogre-turned-mouse, kills him and eats his body and blood, and by so doing becomes more powerful than the Ogre. Satan fell through pride, and Adam fell when Satan convinced him that he could become immortal and equal with God.

The foolish notion that God would ever allow Himself, even if it were possible, to be pounced on and humiliated, let alone crucified in order to satisfy man’s perverse narcissism, is folly raised to its highest power. This morbid love of self is one of the main causes of man’s continuing addiction to the idea of wanting to become equal with God.

Allah says: “And verily we made a covenant of old with Adam, but he forgot, and We found no constancy in him. And when We said to the Angels: fall prostrate before Adam, they fell prostrate all except Iblis; who refused. Therefore We said: O Adam! this is an enemy unto you and to your wife. So let him not drive you both out of the garden so that you have to toil. It is vouched safe unto you that you will not hunger there nor will you feel naked. Nor will you feel thirst or exposure to the sun’s heat.

But the Devil whispered to him saying: O Adam! shall I show you the tree of Immortality and Power that wastes not away? Then the two ate thereof, so that their shame became apparent unto them... And Adam disobeyed his Lord and so went astray." [Qur’an, Surah 20, TA HA, verses 115-121]

Bukharin, the Anachist Satanist and an associate of Marx said: “Satan is the first free thinker and Saviour of the world. He frees Adam and impresses the seal of humanity and liberty on his forehead, by making him disobedient.”

As stated earlier, morbid Love of Self or perverse narcissism stem from the soul’s rebellious, evil aspect called an-Nafs al-amara bi’l-su, and it is from this source of disobedience that we are encouraged to work against our best interests. In the past, men driven by this impulse have brought into conformity some astonishing and outrageous ideas relating to God, to the extent that now we are in a situation where the myth has become the reality, through a continuing process of self-deception by reason, rationalisation.

Foremost among these deceptions is the continued adherence by the Christian churches to the pagan Passion Story and its calendar, through which the process we have come to call ‘Generic Engineering’ has extinguished virtually everything relating to the authentic beliefs, teachings and practices of Christ, the Messiah, son of Mary the virgin, who they call Jesus; and even that is not his proper name. His name in Hebrew was Yashuah or Joshua, in Arabic it is Isa, and in Gaelic he is called Isa Mac Mary or Mariam. The name Jesus is to do with the son of Ja-Zeus the Sun God, and is alien to the Hebrew name of God.

“The story of Bel and the story of Jesus are one and the same, and this not only deprives the evangelical records of the claims to be genuine but it convicts them of complete plagiarism”, says Kamal-ud-Din in his ‘Sources of Christianity’.

The following is from the January 1922 edition of “Quest” which describes the tablets belonging to the cuneiform documents which were discovered by German excavators in 1903 and 1904 at Kalah Shargat, the site of the ancient Assur formed in the 9th century BC or even earlier. There are, however, copies of still earlier Babylonian tablets, says the writer, which also contain astounding facts, which would be perturbing to thousands of honest minds in Christendom. [if only they were allowed to know of them] It is not (only) the similarity between the two stories of Jesus and Baal/Bel that should excite their astonishment: The two being one and the same.

The Babylonian Passion Play 900 BC The Christian Passion Story 1992 AD
Bel/Baal is taken prisoner. Jesus is taken prisoner.
Bel/Baal is tried in the house on the Mount and the (the Hall of Justice) of the High Priest. Jesus is tried in the house Hall of Pilate.
Bel/Baal is smitten (wounded). Jesus is scourged.
Bel/Baal is led away to the Mount. Jesus is led away to crucifixion on Mount Calvary.
Together with Bel/Baal put to death. Another, who is also charged as a malefactor is let go,  thus not taken taken away with Bel/Baal. Together with Jesus, two a malefactor is led away malefactors are led away and and put to death. Another, (Barrabbas) is released to the people , and thus not away with Jesus.
After Bel/Baal had gone the to the Mount, the city breaks out into tumult, (Synoptic), the earth quakes, and fighting takes place in it. At the death of Jesus, the veil in the temple is rent the rocks are rent asunder, the graves are opened, and the dead come forth into the holy city (Matt).
Bel’s/Baal’s clothes are carried away. Jesus’ robe is divided among the soldiers (Synopt., John, cp. Ps XXII 18).
A woman wipes away the heart’s blood of Bel/Baal flowing from a drawn out weapon  (spear ?). The lance thrust into Jesus’ side and outflow of water and blood (John). Mary Magdalene and two other women busy themselves with the (washing and) embalming of the body (Mark, Luke).
Bel/Baal goes down into  the mount away from sun and light, and is held fast in the Mount as in a prison. Jesus, in the grave, disappears from life, in the rock tomb (Synopt), goes down into the realm of the dead (1 Pet.III.19,Matt XII. 40, Acts II 24, Rom.X.17, “descent into hell” dogma)
Guards watch Bel/Baal imprisoned in the stronghold of the Mount. Guards are set over the tomb of Jesus (Matt).
A goddess sits with Bel/Baal; she comes to tend him. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sit before the tomb (Matt., Mark).
They seek for Bel/Baal where he is held fast. In particular a weeping woman seeks for him at the “Gate of Burial.” When he is being carried away the same lamented “O, my brother!  O, my brother!" Women, in particular Mary Magdalene, came to the tomb to seek Jesus where he is behind the door of the tomb. Mary stands weeping before the empty tomb because they : have taken her Lord away. (John)
Bel/Baal is again brought back to life (as the sun of spring) he comes again out of the mount. Jesus’ restoration to life, his rising from the grave (on a SUN-day morning).
His chief feast, the Babylonian New Year’s festival in March at the time  of the Spring Equinox is celebrated also as his triumph over the powers of darkness. His festival, approximately at the Spring Equinox, is also celebrated as his triumph over the powers of s darkness (cp.e.g Col.II 15).

The Sun was the Dying God of the ancient world. After his birth on December 25th the young deity increases every day in his power and strength, and defies the demon of darkness in the struggle, till the final week in March comes, when his progress is retarded and he becomes stationary. [Note: Easter varies from around the 21st March up to the 19th of April, as it follows the sun’s cycle (Collins, Table of movable feasts)]

The struggle between the two seems to have come to a climax, and the devil appears to be going to have the better of the conflict. Therefore, it is a time of great anxiety and apprehension - a day of mourning and weeping for the maidens of Adonis; the suffering God undergoing his last ordeal; Herculese gone into Hades; Attis is nailed to the trunk of a pine tree - in short, the dead god is interred in the tomb, but two days after, all sorrow and weeping change into merriment, the Sun-God has finally overcome the forces of darkness. The Sun God has passed the Rubicon, i.e. the Equator. Now, Herculese can begin ascending from the underworld. Adonis, Attis, Dionysus, Baal/Bel and Jesus can begin rising from their respective tombs.

The date of the Dying God and that of the Rising God, therefore, become great events and are attended respectively with mourning and rejoicing - just what we would have found 900 BC in Ancient Babylon on Good Fridays and Easter Sundays then, so we find the same today in the Modern Pagan West where nothing has changed except the name of the Sun God.

If we were living in York or Chester and the date was March 31st 50 BC, we would be be preparing for the same Easter festival following the same Christmas festival on or around the 25th of December during which time we would have commemorated his birth to a virgin mother in a cave; one who had 12 disciples; one who was called saviour; and one who sometimes figured as a lamb; one whose disciples were initiated through baptism; and one in whose rememberance sacramental feasts were held. The only difference you would notice if you went back in time would be the name. In those days the one who rose again on the third day was called Mithra not Jesus." [another perfect example of Generic Engineering]

Kamal-ud-Din continues: “...when I say that at the time of the appearance of the real Jesus on earth, there were temples without end dedicated to gods like Apollo or Dionysus among the Greeks; Herculese among the Romans; Mithra among the Persians, Adonis and Attis in Syria and Phrygia; Osiris, Isis and Horus in Egypt; Bel/Baal and Astarte among the Babylonians and Carthaginians and so on.

All these deities were sun-gods, and it was believed that they were born in a cave or underground chamber, of a virgin mother, on or about Christmas Day.

They led a life of toil for the good of mankind and were called by such names as “Light-Bringer”, “Healer”, “Mediator”, “Saviour”, and “Deliverer”.

They were vanquished by the Powers of Darkness and descended into Hell or the Underworld. They all rose again from the dead to become the “Lights” to guide mankind to the heavenly world. They founded Communions of Saints, and churches into which disciples were received by baptism. They were commemorated by Eucharistic Meals. 

Adonis - the Syrian god, born of a virgin was killed and rose again in the spring. Every year “ The maidens wept for Adonis (Ezekiel VIII 14) and then rejoiced over his resurrection.”

Attis - The Phrygian god, was also born of a virgin named Nana. He was bled to death at the foot of a pine-tree. His blood renewed the fertility of the earth and thus brought a new life to humanity. He also rose from the dead... In celebrating his death and resurrection, his image was fastened to a pine tree on March 24th, and the day was called “ The Day of Blood”, since on that day the deity was bled to death. The image was then laid in a tomb with wailing and mourning, but the coming night changed sorrow into joy. The tomb was found to be empty on the next day, when the festival of the resurrection was celebrated. These mysteries seem to have included a sacramental meal and a baptism of blood.

Bacchus - Sometimes called Dionysus, was born of a virgin named Demeter on the 25th of December [she is sometimes called Semele and sometimes Ceres from which we derive the word cereal, seen on Bank of England notes seated with a stem of wheat in her hand]. Evil had spread over the world, the God of Gods was begged to save mankind. Jupiter hearkened to the prayer, and declared that his son would redeem the world from its misery. He promised a Liberator to the earth, and Bacchus came as a saviour. He was called “ The Only Begotten Son”.

“It is I”, says Bacchus to mankind, “Who will guide you; I who am Alpha and Omega.” He was also a great traveller, and brought the gift of wine to mankind. Changing water into wine.

“Suffering was common to all the sons of Jove”, says Justin Martyr. For this reason they were called “ The slain ones”, “Saviours”, and “Redeemers”. Bacchus was also slain to redeem humanity, and was called “ The Slain one and the Sin Bearer”, “ The Redeemer”. His death, followed by resurrection, was celebrated with all kinds of wild festivities, and there was a representation of the passion of Bacchus, Dead, Descended into Hell, and re-arisen.

Quetzalcohuatl, the Mexican Saviour was born of a virgin, Chimalman, who had received the message informing her that she was to become the mother of a son without any connection with man, but through a heavenly messenger. Soon after the ambassador left, she conceived and bore a son Quetzalcohuatl - the word meaning “Our Beloved Son”. This offspring fasted 40 days, and was tempted by the devil. He was crucified, at which time the sun was darkened and withheld its light. His second coming was so eagerly awaited that when Cortez appeared, the Mexicans greeted him as the returning God." [The Sources of Christianity, page 74-75] 

As we have seen there are many similar stories, and there are more. Osiris is enshrined in the American Flag and the occult Masonic symbolism of the Great seal of the United States Government and the Enead of Heliopolis with Jah-Baal-On. The process of Generic Engineering is not required so much in America, they make no pretence about being what they are, surrounded with all the symbols of Pagan Babylon, Pagan Egypt, and Pagan Rome.

On the other hand, we ignore the glaring similarities in Hebrew and Arabic, which are not merely phonetic. Their meanings are also very often identical. But from a reading of translations of scripture little or no reference is made to the fact that the God of the Arabs and the Ishmaelites is also the same God as the one of the Israelites and the Jews. This fact is conspicuously absent from most, if not all books on the subject, because the establishment of a link would undermine the carefully created myth that Islam, by comparison to Judaism and Christianity, is a relatively modern phenomenon, of Arabian origin, with no legitimate antecedents. The most disturbing aspects of this Myopic Paralogy, is the dreadful dishonesty of most non-Islamic commentators. The foreword in George Sale’s translation of The Koran, for example, is both spiteful and misleading, and contains a completely dishonest commentary on the Gospel of Barnabas, confirming historic prejudices, caused by malevolent envy towards God’s last prophet and His most favoured guest of honour, “Machammad”. Therefore, all scriptures containing news of his advent had to be confiscated and concealed in order to avoid embarrasment and injured pride. Jesus advised us not to seat ourselves at the head of the table in case the host has invited someone more worthy than you to sit by his side. Lucifer’s latent narcissism caused him to fail the test set for him. The love of self prevented him from accepting Adam’s appointment to the position Lucifer had previously taken for granted. Likewise, the followers of Judaism rejected the appointment of Jesus, and together with Christians resent God’s final guest of honour, Muhammad - Machammad or “Desire” in Hebrew: The desired prophet of all nations including the Gentile Goyim, as we will see from the following account.

“One skilled in the law invited Jesus to supper, in order to tempt him. Jesus came thither with his disciples; and many scribes to tempt him waited for him in the house. Whereupon, the disciples sat down to table without washing their hands. The scribes called Jesus, saying: ‘wherefore do not thy disciples observe the traditions of our elders, in not washing their hands before they eat bread?’ Jesus answered: ‘And I ask you, for what cause have you annulled the precept of God to observe your traditions? You say to the sons of poor fathers: ‘Offer and make vows unto the Temple’, and they make vows with that little wherewith they ought to support their fathers. And when their fathers wish to take money, the sons cry out: ‘This money is consecrated to God’; whereby the fathers suffer. O false scribes, hypocrites, does God use this money? assuredly not, for God eateth not, as he saith by His servant David the prophet: ‘Shall I then eat the flesh of bulls and drink the blood of sheep? Render me (only) the sacrifice of praise, and offer unto me thy vows; for if I should be hungry I will not ask aught of thee, seeing that all things are (already) in My hands, and the abundance of paradise is with Me.’

Hypocrites, you do this to fill your purse, and therefore ye tithe, rue, and mint. ‘O miserable ones, for unto others you show the most clear way by which you will not go!

You scribes and doctors lay upon the shoulders of others burdens of unbearable weight, which you yourselves are not willing to attempt with even one of your fingers.

Verily I say unto you, that every evil hath entered into the world under the pretexts of the elders. Tell me, who made idolatry enter into the world, if not by the usage of the elders?

For there was a king who exceedingly loved his father, whose name was Baal. Whereupon, when the father was dead, his son for his own consolation, caused an image like unto the father, and set it up in the market place of the city. And he made a decree that everyone who approached that statue within a space of fifteen cubits should be safe, and no one on any account should do him harm.

Hence the malefactors, by reason of the benefit they received (from its sanctuary), began to offer to the statue roses and flowers, and in a short time the offerings were changed into money and food, insomuch as they called it god, to honour it.

Which from custom was changed into law. Insomuch that the (cult of) Baal spread throughout all the world; and how much doth God Lament this by the Propet Isaiah, saying: ‘Truly this people (Israel) worship Me in vain, for they have annulled My Law given them by My servant Moses, and follow (only) the traditions of their elders.’

Verily I say unto you, that to eat bread with unclean hands does not defile the man, but that which cometh out of the man defiles him.’ Thereupon said one of the scribes: ‘If I should eat pork, or other unclean meats, will I not defile my conscience?’

Jesus answered: ‘Disobedience will not enter into the man (through his mouth), but comes out of the man, from his heart; and therefore will he be defiled when (as the result) he shall eat forbidden food.’

Then said one of the doctors:-

‘Master, thou hast spoken much against idolatry as though the poeple of Israel had idols, and so thou hast done us wrong.’

Jesus answered: ‘I know well that in Israel today there are not statues of wood; but there are statues of flesh.’ Then answered all the scribes in wrath: ‘And so we are idolaters?’

Jesus replied: ‘Verily I say unto you, that the precept saith not that thou ‘Shalt worship’ but that ‘Thou shalt Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind.’ Is this not true?’ ‘It is true’, answered every one.

Then said Jesus: ‘Verily all that which man loveth and for which he leaveth everything else, that thing is his god. And so the fornicator hath for his idol the harlot, the glutton and drunkard his own flesh, and the covetous hath for his image silver and gold, and so likewise every other sinner (has his own particular god).’

Then the one who had invited him said: ‘Master, which is the gravest sin?’

Jesus answered: ‘Which is the greatest ruin of any house?’ But everyone remained silent. Then Jesus pointed to the foundation, and said: ‘If the foundation gives way immediately the house falls into ruin, in which wise that it is necessary to build it up anew; but if any other part gives way it can be repaired. Even so I say to you, that idolatry is the greatest sin (of all), because it depriveth a man entirely of faith, and consequently of God; so that he can have no spiritual affection. But every other sin leaveth to man the hope of obtaining mercy; and therefore I say that idolatry is the greatest sin.’All stood amazed at Jesus, for they perceived that it could in no way be in any wise assailed.

There stood before the door one who had his right hand shrunken in such fashion that he could not use it. Whereupon, Jesus having lifted up his heart to God, prayed, and said: ‘In order that you may know that my words are true, I say, ‘In the name of Allah, man, stretch out thine infirm hand.’ He stretched it out whole, as if it had never had aught ill with it. Then with fear of God they began to eat.

...The priests took counsel among themselves to catch him in his talk. Wherefore they sent the Levites and some of the scribes to question him, saying: ‘Who art thou?’

Jesus confessed, and said the truth: ‘I am not the Messiah - (Messenger)’

They said: ‘Art thou Elijah or Jeremiah, or any of the ancient prophets?’

Jesus answered: ‘No’.

They said: ‘Who art thou? Say in order that we may give testimony to those who sent us.’

Then said Jesus: ‘I am the voice that crieth through all Judea, and crieth ‘Prepare ye the way for the Messenger of the Lord.’ even as it is written in Esias.’

They said: ‘If you are not the Messiah (Messenger) nor Elijah, or any prophet (from the past) wherefore do you preach new doctrine, and make thyself of more account than the Messiah (Messenger)?’

Jesus answered: ‘The miracles that god worketh by my hands show that I speak that which God willeth: nor indeed do I make myself to be counted as him of whom you speak. For I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hosen or the latchets of the shoes of the Messenger of God, whom ye call ‘Messiah’, who was made before me, and will come after me, and shall bring the words of truth, so that his faith will have no end’. The Levites and scribes departed in confusion, and recounted all to the Chiefs of the priests, who said: ‘He hath the devil at his back who recounteth all to him.’


“’Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come, hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended except to the people to which they were sent. But the Messenger of Allah, when he shall come, God shall give him as it were the seal of His Hand, in so much as he will carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He will come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he will make Satan confounded: for so promised God to Abraham, saying: ‘Behold, in thy seed I bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do.’ 

James answered: ‘O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say in ‘Isaac’ and the Ishmaelites say in ‘Ishmael.’ 

Jesus answered: ‘David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?’ 

James answered: ‘Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob, and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.’ 

Then said Jesus: ‘And the Messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be?’ 

The disciples answered: ‘Of David’. 

Whereupon Jesus said: ‘You deceive yourselves; for David in spirit called him Lord, saying thus: ‘God said to my Lord, sit thou on My right hand until I make thine enemies thy foot stool. God shall send forth thy Rod, which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies.’ (Psalm 110) If the Messenger of God whom you call Messiah were the son of David, how should David call him Lord? Believe me, for verily I say unto you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.’ 

Thereupon said the disciples: ‘O Master, it is thus written in the book of Moses, that in Isaac was the promise made.’ 

Jesus answered with a groan: ‘It is so written but Moses wrote it not, nor Joshua, but rather our rabbins, who fear not God. Verily I say unto you, that if you consider the words of the Angel Gabriel, you shall discover the malice of our scribes and doctors. For the Angel said: ‘Abraham, all the world shall know how God loveth thee: but how shall the world know the love thou bearest for God. Assuredly it is necessary that thou do something for love of God.’ Abraham answered: ‘Behold the servant of God, ready to do all that which God shall will.’ Then spoke God, saying to Abraham: ‘Take thy son, thy first born Ishmael, and come up the mountain [Arafat near Mecca] to sacrifice him.’ How is Isaac first born, if when Isaac was born Ishmael was seven years old?’ 

Then said the disciples: ‘Clear is the deception of our doctors; therefore tell us thou the truth, because we know thou art sent from God.’ 

Then answered Jesus: ‘Verily I say unto you, that Satan ever seeketh to annul the laws of God; and therefore he with his followers, hypocrites and evil doers, the former with false doctrine, the latter with lewd living, today have contaminated almost all things, so that scarcely is the truth found. Woe to the hypocrites; for the praises of this world shall turn into the insults of hell. 

I therefore say unto you that the Messenger of Allah is a splendour that shall give gladness to nearly all that God hath made, for he is adorned with the spirit of understanding and of counsel, the spirit of wisdom and might, the spirit of fear and love, the spirit of prudence and temperance, he is adorned with the spirit of charity and mercy, the spirit of justice and piety, the spirit of gentleness and patience, which he hath received from God three times more than He hath given all His creatures. O blessed time, when he shall come to the world! 

Believe me, that I have seen him and have done him reverence, even as every prophet hath seen him: seeing that (it was) of his spirit that God giveth to them their prophecy. And when I saw him my soul was filled with consolation, saying; ‘O Muhammad, God be with thee, and make me worthy to untie thy shoe latchet, for obtaining this I shall be a great prophet and holy one of God.’ 

And having said this, Jesus rendered his thanks to God." [The Gospel of Barnabas, From chapters 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44.]


“Jesus, having felt some sympathy for the plight of the devil, decided to ask Allah if he might mediate on his behalf. Having prayed and fasted, he asks God’s permission to proceed, and what Satan would have to do to receive His forgiveness and a full pardon. Allah answers: ‘Jesus, I will pardon him, only cause him to say, ‘Lord my God, I have sinned, have mercy upon me’, and I will pardon him and restore himself to his first state.’ 

‘I rejoiced greatly,’ said Jesus, ‘when I heard this, believing that I had made this peace. Therefore I called Satan, who came saying: ‘What must I do for thee O Jesus?’ 

I answered: ‘Thou must do it for thyself, O Satan, for I love not thy services, but for your own good, have I called thee.’ Satan replied: ‘If you desire not my services, neither desire I thine: For I am nobler than you, therefore you are not worthy to serve me, you who are made of clay, while I am spirit.’ 

“Jesus reminds Satan that on the Day of Judgement the Arch Angel Michael must strike him with one hundered thousand blows, with the sword of God, each with the pain of ten hells, to which he replies with his second declaration of apartheid: “We shall see on that day who can do the most: Certainly I shall have on my side many angels and many potent idolaters who will trouble God, and he shall know how great a mistake he made to banish me for the sake of a vile piece of clay.” 

“Jesus said: ‘O Satan thou art infirm in mind, and know not what you are saying.’ 

Then Satan in a derisive manner, wagged his head, saying: ‘Come now let us make peace with God and Me: And what must be done, sayest thou, O Jesus, since thou art sound in mind?’ 

‘Two words only need be spoken: These are ‘I have sinned and Have mercy on me’.

’Satan said: ‘Now willingly will I make this peace if God will say these words to Me.’ 

Jesus said: ‘Now depart from me O Cursed one, for you are indeed the wicked author of all injustice and sin, but God is Just and without sin at all.’ 

Satan departed shrieking, and said: ‘It is not so O Jesus, but you tell a lie to please God.’ 

‘Now consider’, said Jesus to his disciples, ‘How will he find mercy?’

They answered: ‘Never lord, because he is impenitent.’" [From The Gospel of Barnabas] 

This then is the voice of inspiration behind not only Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, but the works of all those who oppose divine authority. Freemasons and Illuminati followers are reminded that Solomon was not a freemason or involved in Illuminism, nor any sort of occult activities, nor was any other prophet or messenger. 

“There is no good in most of their secret counsels except in him who enjoins charity or goodness or reconciliation between people. And who ever does this, seeking Allah’s pleasure, We will give him a mighty reward.” [Qur’an, 4:114] 

“...Seest thou not that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. There is no Secret Counsel between three, but He is the fourth of them, nor between five but He is the sixth of them, nor between less than that nor more but He is with them where ever they are; Then He will inform them of what they did on the day of Resurrection. Surely Allah is Knower of all things.” [Qur’an, 58:7] 

“And they [the freemasons] follow what the devils fabricated about the Kingdom of Solomon. And Solomon disbelieved not, but the devils disbelieved, teaching men enchantment...” [Qur’an, 2:102]

Like all prophets, Solomon was a Muslim! 

Next: The Revolt Against Islam

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